Tuesday, October 7, 2008
many things have happened recently... lol to be more apt "events". its very relieving that exams are over:D fos has been quite fun, i thought frisbeee was boring actually, but it's actually damn fun! :D i've been going out and watching dozens of shows and practically slacking off. haixx it's time to start soon though, so many things awaiting for me to do, grahh. but i'll take everything with a smile(: my sabbat is bowling its actually quite fun! but when it comes to bowling for 4-5 hours, its gets freaking sian... lol but i really loved the feeling when i got a strike or spare, haha ><
a lot of things that i need to do._. cut my hair, get a new ez-link card, change my old and lousy handphone, and and , so many things! by the way, ignore the words on the blog design, i think it sucks, and frigging egoistic, haha but i loved the design though, that's why i picked it.

hmmm... i wonder whether school life will ever be as peaceful and dan1 chun2 as the school life in hana kimi (jap) ><
garder la foi

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Name: Ho Xinyi
Date of birth: 5 Feb 1991
Schools: hpps, nygh, hci, ucb
Religion: Christian

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